How Often Does a Pool Need to be Maintained?

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A pool in your garden is a luxury that brings joy and relaxation into your life. However, owning one also comes with the responsibility of maintaining it regularly. It’s important to know how often it needs to be maintained to keep it clean, safe and functioning optimally. In this article, we’ll go over the recommended frequency of maintenance so that you can enjoy your pool without any problems.

Regular maintenance tasks

Skimming and cleaning: The surface of your pool should ideally be skimmed daily or every few days with a net to remove leaves, debris and insects, especially during peak season. In addition, regular brushing of the walls and bottom of the pool will prevent the formation of algae and help keep it clean.

Water circulation: Proper water circulation is essential. Running the pump and philtre for about 8 to 12 hours per day, depending on the size and usage, will remove impurities and keep the water chemistry balanced. Make sure the pump and philtre are clean and in good condition.

Testing the water chemistry: Testing the water chemistry is important to avoid problems such as algae growth, limescale build-up or cloudy water. During the swimming season, you should test the pH, chlorine, alkalinity and calcium hardness at least once a week. Adjust chemicals as needed to maintain recommended levels.

Shock the pool: This involves adding a high dose of chlorine or a chlorine-free shock to remove impurities and make the water clear again. The pool should be shocked every fortnight or whenever the water appears cloudy or has an unpleasant odour.

Seasonal maintenance tasks:

Opening and closing: If you live in a region with different seasons, it’s important that you open and close your pool properly. If you open it in the summer, you need to remove the cover, clean and balance the water and make sure all the equipment is working properly. If you close the pool in winter, you need to lower the water level, add chemicals for winterisation and protect the pool from freezing.

Philtre cleaning: Cleaning the philtre is an essential part of maintenance. How often you need to clean the philtre depends on the type of philtre you have. Cartridge philtres need to be cleaned every four to six weeks, while sand philtres need to be back washed to remove stuck debris. D.E. philtres may need to be back washed and filled with fresh D.E. powder as prescribed by the manufacturer.

Inspections and repairs: Check regularly for leaks, cracks or equipment malfunctions. By fixing problems immediately, you can prevent further damage and expensive repairs. Inspections can be done every few months or whenever you notice irregularities in the appearance or performance.

Proactive measures for pool maintenance:

In addition to regular and seasonal maintenance, there are also proactive measures you can take to improve the longevity and performance of your pool:

Use of cover: investing in a high-quality pool cover can significantly reduce the amount of debris that enters your pool, so you’ll need to skim and clean it less often. A pool cover also helps to retain heat, reduce water evaporation and prevent chemical loss.

Proper water level maintenance: Maintaining the correct water level is important. If the water level is too low, the pump can become overloaded, which can cause damage. Conversely, too high a water level can lead to inefficient skimming and filtration. Check and adjust the water level regularly to ensure it remains within the recommended range.

UV protection: Prolonged exposure to sunlight can damage the surface and affect water chemistry. Consider installing a shade or using covers that provide UV protection to protect your pool from the harmful effects of sunlight.

Regular equipment checks: Keep a close eye on the equipment, including the pump, philtre, heater and all other accessories. Look for leaks, unusual noises or signs of wear and tear. Timely maintenance and repairs can prevent breakdowns and extend the life of your pool system.


Maintaining a pool is an ongoing task, but with regular and timely maintenance, you can keep it clean and safe to enjoy throughout the swimming season. Although the frequency of maintenance depends on factors such as usage, climate and equipment, by following the guidelines above, you can ensure that it remains in excellent condition. Don’t forget to contact a professional pool service or check the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific maintenance recommendations. If you take proper care, it’ll provide you with many years of fun and relaxation.

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